The Three stages of Death-The Three Doorways
There are three stages of death for us to understand; I will explain them to you through my interpretation. You have just been given a death sentence from the doctor, informing you of a dis-ease that has attracted its own free rein to overtake your body very quickly. The first stage of death begins with the shock of being told that you have been given the death sentence; we find that, very quickly, your ego disassociates itself from your emotions, as this information has completely stunned it! The ego doesn’t know how to deal with this information, and it doesn’t want to know! The number one (1) in Sacred Numerology represents “I am” This information equates through the conscious mind of self, which is the responsibility of the egotistical left brain, and, when it is in doubt, it turns to register its thoughts through to the subconscious mind – that is, the emotional right brain. Of course, it expects to pass on the responsibility of what it has created to someone else. This gives it freedom in the moment, and it thinks it can continue on in its merry way. That is why the ego has no continuation in its memory banks. It has difficulty holding onto a momentous thought, and the only way it can nourish itself is through relying on what has already been! Your emotional mind collects these vibrations and converts them into feelings, which are flushed throughout your system, where they are automatically collected and brought up through to your pituitary gland – this is the doorway into the Divine energy, which is your unconscious mind (Soul). This mind becomes aware of your inner stutter, where your ego is beginning to lose its self-control Your higher mind holds the energy of every cell in your body, and it hears your ego placing your thinking into the “too hard basket”, uttering, “But what about me? I AM!” By using the word but in the beginning of your sentence, you have already begun to create your next excuse! The unconscious mind begins to coerce with the ego; and this is where your other senses begin to understand what it has created for itself. Stage One of Death is for your ego to learn who you are, and then accept that you are about to head towards an end of the old experiences that it has contained for itself! The body is doing what comes naturally, and so this is where you have the opportunity to learn how to surrender to your self. Time will become the ego’s teacher. The liver begins to empty out its aggression, and it voluntarily tips into the gall bladder. When you are living out the thought processes of how you have lived your life – and when you are in doubt about it – you automatically pass yourself onto the next coherent moment. The number two (2) in Sacred Numerology represents “the relationship to self” When you reach your state of acceptance, Stage Two of Death begins to step forward into your psyche. In some people, this second stage can be a very bitter part of the game of death; it is a time when the channels of your thoughts open to remembering and releasing your past experiences back to you. It does not begin with the happier times. The ego will have a tendency to remind you of the bitterness that occurred throughout its life – when it could not get its own way – and it will automatically look for the shortcomings of all the experiences that were regaled upon you. It must learn to come back into the relationship of self. This area is what we call the “gall energy”, and the gall bladder is the organ – or “planet” – in your own “universe”, where you store your toxic chemicals. It has the responsibility to filter the anger from your liver and collect the bitterness of the suspended fear that you have already created. The gall bladder now comes to its own realization: that it must cleanse this anger and purge itself before death. The memories that it has stored on your behalf must come to the surface, where you learn to face up to the responsibilities you have earned. That bitterness is the ego being fed its own demise. Sometimes, this can be the stage when you tell all those people, with whom you have never been truthful with, what you really think of them. It can be when you tell your partner about the disappointments that you have long stored away in your hidden pantry (mind). It is a time where you earn this surrender and bow to yourself. This respect filters back into your cells, and you are learning to see up and into – not just looking at yourself, but into your self – which assists all your feelings to want to redeem the hidden freedom that has been trapped by your ego throughout your lifetime. The rest of your internal organs now have the opportunity to begin their own cleansing process; they are the collectors of your co-existence. This is where we begin to accept the concordance of self. They must be adhered to, as this sets the patterns for the Divinity of death to congratulate itself. Look back at those you have loved – those who have died for you – and, in your own truth, you will remember what emotions they went through as they learned to accept their own destiny. I refer to Stage Two as the blame stage, where you empty your own cup by releasing the thoughts about why you blamed others for your own shortcomings. Once that is done, you have the opportunity to blame and reflect to yourself. You are entering back into your own educational university, where you are being reminded of your own shortcomings so that you can reshape your mind in order to begin again. This is where we, as therapists, have the opportunity to come in and remind you that you now have the opportunity to construe your thinking; you will now be able to reinvest in your self before the scales have tipped into their abundance. Your shock has been realized, and, when you come home to self-realization, you certainly have the opportunity to regenerate and begin again. The ego has sustained itself and is ready to listen. In other words, very simply, you have learned to surrender to you. If not, the story continues into Stage Three. The number three (3) in Sacred Numerology represents “the mind” Stage Three is the final stage of death. This is where you are free to remind yourself that you have accepted death – that you are ready to surrender your greatest gift to God. This is where the ego submits, and you turn your life over. Stage Three occurs through your acceptance; you can willingly accept the inner freedom that the Soul releases. Through the language of the Shamanic Inheritance, it is the “applause we return to God”. Many people have released from the body in my arms In most cases, their final words were, “Oh! Look at the colours!” They each died with a smile on their faces. As death occurs, your energy moves up into the Collective Mind (the unconscious); this has opened up on your behalf and prepared a balanced mind for you prior to this moment. These colours are free to release, once your ego submits to your emotions, and they become the rainbow which naturally harmonizes the body in preparation for the passing from one world to the next. The exchange of energy becomes easier through the mathematics arching throughout the body. Again, Einstein comes to mind through his explanation of the fields of relativity through time and space. We know that this creates gravity, so, in order for us to release our fields of gravity, we become eremitical – that is, the Soul absorbs our energy to bring us home to God. The more intellectually reformed you are, the easier the changeover. There is no set time frame for those three stages, and not everyone goes through them in the same order (although the order of Stages One, Two, and Three as I have described them is the most typical). It depends entirely on how that person has lived up to their intelligence, and how he/she has accepted the merits of inner wisdom prior to death. For example, when my husband passed on, I saw him go through only two stages; he exhibited no anger or animosity. He had released his anger in the years before he died, so by the time he came through the second stage, he had already said all the things that he had wanted to say. Death came quickly for him; he had simply had enough. When the Soul finally releases from the body, your fear must then face and surrender to itself – quite simply, there is no one left to argue with. The Soul cannot become trapped in the physical body; the body cannot surrender fully until the Soul has collected the life force and is ready to leave. It is only the last of the old fear that we have already created, through the innocence of our own belief, that is left in the body – and, it is those last remaining threads of our fear that keep us aware of our momentary surroundings. The Soul is well above the body before the body stops breathing, so death is painless. It waits for the ego. Someone always comes to help us leave our layered garments (our body) behind – before we cross to the other side – always remember, we are never left to make the journey alone. If someone crosses over through the result of an accident, the ego – or fear of self – often echoes back through that person, until he/she can accept being in another dimension of time. The cause of his/her actions must release throughout the scrolls of adjustment, which allows the memory to free itself. Such individuals do not carry on, day after day, in pain as many of you think. Always remember that, when someone comes through with this announcement, the message is for that person – it is certainly not a message carried for the one who has departed. The pain must be eradicated before the Soul can leave. (Note that suicide is explained in its own chapter, not here.) Excerpts: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). BOOK IV: DEATH, Chapter 63 – The Three Doorways Decoding the Mind of God, Published by Balboa Press: Read more about the Book/E-Book or purchase; click link to Balboa Press website.
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