Allow me to explain the Statute to us understanding and obtaining ‘The Law of Responsibility’. This is where the word tithing comes into the picture. Tithing was created around 600 years ago through the Hebraic religion. The word originally meant to offer a tenth of your produce, goods or services, or income to the church. When governments came into controlling the mass it was changed to Taxation (the tax station) which became obligatory to all of us as time moved on.
Now, during my education into this field of knowledge, my teachers explained to me that tithing must be addressed as I stepped forward into my journey. With no income, life became difficult at times. It was at this time that I was given the ideas to change the word TITHING to RESPONSIBILITY. And yes, lo and behold there was a law for that word too. This Law is connected to our thoughts, as to how we are digesting and processing the information which is placed in front of us, therefore if I could assist someone who needed help with no payment, my tithing was terminated. Therefore, when explaining tithing I refer only to the way I was taught. It really has nothing to do with church or what religion you belong to. Remember the word religion through the Latin language is interpreted as Religio, as looking back into the self. I do not comment on religions, that is all your choice; I explain how the eternal mathematics of the Supreme Consciousness collected the information in relationship to the meaning of the word responsibility (as to how you respond to your sensibility). When one is committed to the lessons that appear before us, we try to improve our own Status, or Status Quo, which is the existing state of affairs through us learning to do the best we can in each moment. The most positive way we can do that is by stepping up into our own ladder (our DNA) to improve our intellect, which springs to life to assist us, when we have contacted our “Inner Ratio”, which is the relationship between both left and right hemisphere of the brain i.e., the ego and the emotions; both listen, where we are looking at the information to our thoughts. The more intellectual one of the two (the emotions), also hears certain aspects of the conversation, that create a glyph of light within, through bringing the information into their mind, therefore the adult mind the right brain, responds to the emotional aspect of self and becomes the one to take charge. Instead of searching out there for the answers, *come back to self, the answers we are searching for are all within self, as to how we rationalize our thinking, also as to how we make ourselves more efficient by re-organizing our mind. On this journey remember, our inner and outer self, learn to work as one, as our aura expands through the steps of enlightenment with education, it is through this inner light that we expand our knowledge as the cells release the information, where we begin to see a broader picture. Every human is gifted with the same cellular structure, each cell receives the same information through gestation and when you are ready, it is only through you discovering you, that you will release your own truth. Only you have the answers to every question you wish to ask, when you have trusted yourself enough to open up who you truthfully are. Remember, your thoughts today are setting the foundations, which will create the programs as to the way your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will also inherit and live their life… Please read this article three times for a deeper understanding. Thank you for reading this article, regards Omni. *Come back to self: Humble to self, settle down and be calmer within. Be calm and loving to oneself through our loving inner thoughts. Believing in self. If you are in a difficult situation, step back from the situation, be calm within, and see the situation from a wider perspective. By loving thoughts to self, moves us forward. Omni's website: Please click on link for further information and books available by O.M. Kelly (Omni).
December 2023
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Photos from Gael Varoquaux, Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0), marcoverch, Tambako the Jaguar, Toolstotal, Toolstotal, Nina A. J. G., Gunn Shots (On and off these days), WILLPOWER STUDIOS, Following Hadrian, marcoverch, Jon Haynes Photography, edenpictures, JohnSeb, roseannadana, verchmarco, David Holt London, Lord Skully, DVIDSHUB, Sandrine Rouja, Juanedc