The garden that my grandmother planted was all coordinated, according to the colors of the rainbow. Herbs were sprinkled throughout as a companion to the flowers. You were introduced into the white flowers when you walked outside the door, its color cleared the cluttered mind and as you stepped forward you walked into the soft pinks; continuing down through the lilacs, into the blues of the cornflowers, then the greens which were the soft green of the Canterbury bells and onto the richer colors of lemons, oranges, reds and browns and as a child, it was like walking through a rainbow. My grandmother said that the colors were compatible with our inner alphabet as they continuously urged us forward; our inner alphabet is related to the words we would use, when we were busily thinking our thoughts. It was like an inner cleansing and healing of the chakras, as it is known today, back in my time it was known as Joseph’s coat of many colors or the inner rainbow repairing and healing our self.
If our thinking was correct and in harmony with the sentence we were preparing in our mind, it would create our intellect to shine with its own light and the next thought would automatically balance what we were thinking. We all have this inner rainbow that mathematically collects and arks its way up through our spinal column, when we think positive thoughts. These colors permeate their way throughout our aura, where they are autonomically reflected out to others. Keep shining! Omni. (Please refer to my new book Decoding the Shaman Within). The eBook is available from most large e-commerce companies, i.e. Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble Nook and many more. Amazon Books Kindle: DECODING THE SHAMAN WITHIN: A Metaphysical Journey, please click on link to Amazon. Barnes & Noble Nook: DECODING THE SHAMAN WITHIN: A Metaphysical Journey, please click on link to Barnes & Noble.
December 2023
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Photos from Gael Varoquaux, Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0), marcoverch, Tambako the Jaguar, Toolstotal, Toolstotal, Nina A. J. G., Gunn Shots (On and off these days), WILLPOWER STUDIOS, Following Hadrian, marcoverch, Jon Haynes Photography, edenpictures, JohnSeb, roseannadana, verchmarco, David Holt London, Lord Skully, DVIDSHUB, Sandrine Rouja, Juanedc