DREAM REPRESENTATION The following short list introduces some of the Shamanic resonances of animals, and the thoughts that they symbolise (more next week). Ant Ant can be in charge of everything at once. It has huge eyes just like the fly, which form a holographic view of seeing everything multiplied. We think ants are blind because they keep bumping into each other. Wrong! The reason for this thinking is because their third eye is so enlarged through their collective power and alchemy that they have difficulties seeing things close up. Their viewing is distorted through their inner strength, which is the endowment of their evolution. Once we climb up our own ladder of intellect, everything becomes magnified. Ant can lift twenty times its own weight so taking responsibility for itself is a must. An ant does not eat solid food; it squeezes the fluid out, drinks the life force and throws the rest away. It can then achieve its own “bibliography” (recorded cellular memory of its DNA) at all times. When you dream of ants, it means there is work to do on their self and stop wasting time. Bear The bear walks alone and it takes its time to sleep on matters, hibernating on all the prospects, it must be able to release and hear its own thoughts. Subjects are thoroughly thought out and digested before decisions are made. Salt from the roe of the salmon and sugar from the wild honey are its staple diet. Salt and sugar also correlate and balance our mind when there are decisions we must adhere to. Bear is the healer for our ego. Bee Bee stands at the doorway to the “Royal Approach to Self”. It is an extremely powerful creature. Its sting, with the ability to hinder others, is created from its collect alchemy. In a similar fashion, poison is released from the unconscious mind and rids us of the insecurities of self. Like the fly, the bee hones in on energy and collects only the essence of things. An insect of pure mathematics, the bee creates the geometry in our lives. Symbolically, it represents the highest order we can achieve. The bee collects and produces its own “Nectar from the Gods”. Once our insecurities have diminished, we too can receive the “Nectar from the Gods”. Extract from the book Decoding Dreams by O.M. Kelly. To purchase the book from O.M. Kelly’s website, please click on the link.
Question directed to Omni: When I am in a half-sleep state at night, I see entities, and they seem very real to me. Why is that? Answer by Omni: It is the expansion of your own Soul. Your aura is the vibration that comes from your Soul, and those astral bodies manifest inside your aura. Astral bodies are symbolically formed through your thinking. When we are in that lucid dreaming state of mind, we are bordering between worlds. You are on the edge of allowing your mind to enter into the unconscious mind of the Collective Consciousness. You own 144,000 personalities (aspects of self) which live within that plane of unconscious energy and are manifesting through the worlds of your thinking. When you feel and see energies moving within, out of, and around your aura – or your Soul energy – once again, these are your own thoughts mirroring your story back to you. I am just bringing common sense back into the picture here. Your Soul’s journey is through the vibrational energy that releases from your thoughts – whether that be positive or negative energy. This is your life force collecting your consciousness in order for you to understand, through your innocence, where you are yearning for information; you also have an inner urge to awaken every cell in your body. They are awake, you know; it is your ego, on a conscious level, that is in the process of accepting your self. The more you awaken on an inner level, the more your energy begins to solidify, which releases itself from the restrictions you have placed around it, and it begins to walk on the outside of you – all of which heightens your intelligence. Your Soul is your “hidden” intelligence until you become aware of it, and, when you understand that, your Soul releases from its bondage to become your Apostolate, and then it works with and on behalf of you. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book IV: Death, Chapter 74: Questions Regarding Energies Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link Cancer is an energy that takes around ten years to manifest. When you are given the results of your tests through your doctor, discovering that cancer is imminent or has already occurred, you, my friend, have just been given your ultimate challenge – all through the right hemisphere of your brain finally being able to step forward to support every thought you think! This becomes a blessing for the ego to receive, to give it the opportunity to conform through its own grace. Your emotional kingdoms are your supreme ruler, and, through an open heart, your courage also steps forward to realign you with a positive attitude, where you have the opportunity to look back through the past ten years of your life. By looking back into your thoughts of the past, you will begin to see the progressive behavior of your thinking, and what you have allowed yourself to create through constantly repeating the bitterness of your past thoughts. Each stage of cancer grows collectively over the years, and, on the place where that cancer began, determines what part it can claim from your body. It chooses exactly the right section that has not been homogenized; i.e., the organ that has had superior mind control over others. It is impelled into each area through your unconscious mind. If your parents never overcame their fear, that fear is autonomically instilled through your DNA, and this homogeny is then heralded back to you. The unconscious mind is continually shouting to you, “Enough is enough!” That message is coming from your Soul mind – your God Force – which is the highest realms of intellect.
I will not make any excuses for my story; I myself had cancer over thirty years ago. I had been given the death sentence, and then decided to enquire and learn more about this dis-ease. I began to become more aware of the excuses I had made through not having the confidence to know myself; I could see the path that I had created, or allowed to manifest on my behalf, in order to deliver unto me the results of my actions. It was not a nice time, as I began to recall my anger. The most important learning for me was to understand that I had not realized how long that cancer had been slowly building up into its own perfection or wisdom. It had begun years earlier, when all my children were young, and I had to face the responsibility of rearing them on my own. I was running our property alone while my husband worked away from home; anything that had to be done around the property and the home was totally my responsibility. I found my anger growing, as I had no one to share this burden with. There were cows to milk, pigs to feed, and lucerne to grow, water, cut, and bale. There were chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese by the hundreds, and they seemed to multiply very quickly. We had built up quite a menagerie. This anger – and hatred – that I felt had built up of its own accord, and, day by day, it had grown more vicious. The time came when I began to ostracize myself; by that I mean, I could no longer feel my own existence. The words “faith in self” were pushed further back into my inner dictionary (mind), and I felt like I was losing the responsibility to even accept them. From those words, I learned that, through us depending on our own weakness, our Higher Self urges us to bring our faith out to stand alongside us so that we can learn to accept the potentiality of those words and bring them into our heart, not leave them tucked away in our vocabulary. I realized that the two words fate and faith were a counterbalance of one another. Our fate will keep on controlling us until we begin to accept our faith within. Food was plentiful at our place, and the table was always piled high, so we could feed our own family tribe and the eleven other tribes as well. My eldest children learned responsibility very early in their life. They became my backbone and could support me with their strength as I tottered on the brink of my own demise. I look back now and wonder how I had ever completed my tasks. My journey with cancer is now by thirty-one years past. Not long ago, I had a check-up from my general practitioner, who told me that even with my weak heart, which I had been born with I had the bodily functions of a woman in her mid-twenties, and, seeing that I am now in my mid-sixties, I have accepted and congratulated myself for a job well done! Did you know that in my land – Australia – the statistics state that one in three people will create their own cancer? We are only two hundred years old, and our population has been attained through people from other countries migrating because they want to improve themselves! Each cell is a Collective Memory of the Soul – or Collective Inheritance of the DNA – and has the power to build itself into its own accreditation through the strength that we have given it. Every cell in our body is a photographic response to each thought we think! It does not matter which dis-ease it is or what name we give it; it becomes an emotion within our body that is continually walking backwards, looking to be excused. A final thought for us to think regarding the applicability of contracting cancer through other sources is the Chernobyl disaster’s, radiation poisoning the species. Not everyone perished, but those who did were unconsciously measured through the Collective Inheritance of all; this was through their Collective Consciousness vibrating to the same frequency of the mathematics of radiation. We call that “innocence”. The fallout from that radiation has interrupted the flow of the next generation, all through us still not having learned. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book III: Dis-Ease, Chapter 33 Cancer. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link |
December 2023
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Photos from Gael Varoquaux, Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0), marcoverch, Tambako the Jaguar, Toolstotal, Toolstotal, Nina A. J. G., Gunn Shots (On and off these days), WILLPOWER STUDIOS, Following Hadrian, marcoverch, Jon Haynes Photography, edenpictures, JohnSeb, roseannadana, verchmarco, David Holt London, Lord Skully, DVIDSHUB, Sandrine Rouja, Juanedc