(Excerpt from - The Seven Major Pyramids in relation to the Seven Seals.)
Finally there is the white pyramid which is affectionally known as Cheops, with the polished cap on top which represents our spiritual strength coming together to attain the intellectual knowledge of the pineal gland, which is the house of the unconscious mind (higher mind). There are two shafts that penetrate into what is known as the King’s Chamber in a northerly and southerly direction. In the same analogy as the brain, through my estimation, I believe that these two shafts are directing the energy into the left and right hemisphere of the brain; and we also note that there are seven steps leading into the grand gallery, all of which reminds us of the seven seals we exonerate ourselves with, through our neck area; and explains how we have overcome our previous existence as human beings where we have reshaped our nasal area over time and have learned to speak to create a sentence! This is the missing link between our primal past to the advantages of our intelligence that we use today. That is why the Sphinx created with the animal body and head of human is before the three pyramids. It is in this section of the human body that our voice has colloquialized through our intelligence unfolding itself, thanks to these seven vertebrae we have designed as our intelligence has matured. All of which releases the mathematical codes of our DNA where we earn our freedom to live in our heavenly abode or everlasting life, right here in this lifetime. And here again we become aware of the four dimensions of the mind, the child, the teenager, the adult, to the teacher where we return our wisdom back to those who are yearning for their next step. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Revelation of Saint John the Divine (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Excerpt Chapter 24. Final Synopsis - The Seven Major Pyramids in relation to the Seven Seals. Purchase the E-Book from Amazon (Kindle): Purchase link Purchase the E-Book from Omni’s website (PDF): Purchase link
As you begin to believe in yourself, your Soul gives you never-ending gifts of knowledge. To believe in yourself takes a tremendous amount of courage, and that courage will lead you into other parallel worlds of existence. Those worlds align within and open you up to your inner worlds, and then you have earned the freedom to use them to promote your tomorrows. Parallel worlds are created from your intelligence; they are your personalities (aspects of self) co-creating an experience using a different emotion, and they live deep within your auric fields. They are your thoughts co-creating themselves, which gives you many opportunities to choose your thinking wisely, where one world can autonomically lead you into another.
Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 17, You are the Law of Your Own Universe. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Youtube link Decoding the Mind of God link. Let me begin to explain the understanding of the ancient city of Rostau, which was renamed El Jizah, and now is called Giza. Rostau was previously known as the House of Secrets where the Gods meet, which is also referred to as the Sanctorium, a meeting place for the higher energies of the Soul.
As we begin to unravel this puzzle we find that it has also been referred to as an inner chamber up inside the head of the sphinx. It is represented to us as the God Horus (“H-Ur-Us”), who bears the falcon’s head. This is announced through the codes as the “Heavenly Oracle Releases the Understanding of the Soul”. The emotional species of the falcon represents the inner sight of self, which opens us up in order for us to be able to view through a wider perspective, broadening our peripheral vision. All this also symbolically reveals to us our imagination (the “image of our nation”), and it also provides the codes for us to understand our dreams – or, through the Shamanic Principles, our “Vision Worlds”. Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 22. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. |
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Photos from Gael Varoquaux, Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0), marcoverch, Tambako the Jaguar, Toolstotal, Toolstotal, Nina A. J. G., Gunn Shots (On and off these days), WILLPOWER STUDIOS, Following Hadrian, marcoverch, Jon Haynes Photography, edenpictures, JohnSeb, roseannadana, verchmarco, David Holt London, Lord Skully, DVIDSHUB, Sandrine Rouja, Juanedc