Complementary Colours – The Home and Silver Accessories
Silver and gold can be used as complementary colours when you combine them with other colours. Silver represents the inner systems; through combining it, you have the opportunity to reach out into another world. It also represents the transformations of the freedom of self-discovery. Grey and light blue are mutable with silver, which means that they are secondary colours. Watch how quickly your thinking changes when you walk into a room that has silver accessories. I also relate silver to the psyche of the inner realms – it represents the soft glow of the moon, which has a calming effect to relax the “physics of the mind”. Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Book VIII: Sacred Fung Shwa (Feng shui), Chapter Complementary Colours. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Omni’s website,, click link
To introduce you further into the worlds of Shamanism – that is, the way in which we rely on numbers to read the hidden language of how the Collective is reimbursing our truth back to us.
If you notice a bird in the sky, it reminds you to think from an angelic perspective; please fly higher with your thoughts of that moment. Remind yourself that you should use it in the singular; that thought should only be used for the self. That angel with wings is saying to you, “Come on, move up and fly higher!” Two birds relate to the relationship of your thoughts; in other words, start to bring your thoughts into the Collective Mind. Three birds relate to your mind; start to improve your thinking, etc. Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 134, How We Rely on Numbers to Read the Hidden Language. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Omni’s website,, click link Throughout the laws of Shamanism, the wonderful dolphin species of the consciousness represents the attainment we can reach through us earning our freedom of will. The ocean represents the consciousness, and the dolphin is a representation of you releasing your thinking out into that consciousness. Dolphins are the willing mind of the ocean. I liken them to the raft that I hang on to as I ride the stormy seas, whirling my way through to collect my energy. In the beginning of my education, I symbolically attracted five white dolphins to me; and, when I was in doubt, they carried me to my next positive world of thought. Two years later, these five white dolphins came into my life on the beach, and they explained other sections of the Collective Consciousness to me for a period of another two years.
When we look at the evolution of the whale, dolphin, and many fish species, we come to realize the importance of their evolution, as they can change their value of group energy to become androgynous, which allows a firmament of completion throughout the whole of their Collective Inheritance. Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 94, The Story of Dolphins. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Omni’s website,, click link When we ask the universe for an answer to a question that seems so important to us and nothing seems to eventuate, we want to know why we are being ignored.
Why is this question so important to you right now? Are you aware of the consequences that you are predicting for yourself? In our state of awareness, we must learn to accept the good, the bad, as well as the indifferent. They are all connected to the many personalities of you, that have recently learned to accept a sense of responsibility for themselves. By connecting to your awareness on an emotional level of “why can’t I receive my requests?” disappointment quickly sets in. The reason for this disappointment is through you not being ready for the expectations (or exaltations) that you are trying to acclaim. Come back to your moment. Breathe deeply and silence your mind, It is not your turn yet. Your question in its impatience to rule, has placed a boulder on your road ahead; in other words, it has climbed over the boulder, instead of you earning the patience to remove it! There is more to learn and earn regarding your question. Start again and rephrase your words, which will rearrange the order of your question. Remember, all will be revealed to you at the right time! Omni: My father provided words of wisdom that were simple and pure to help me find the strength to go on throughout my quest.
“When you feel yourself falter with the load you are carrying on your shoulders, stop, straighten up, and pause, and then take a smaller step forward. Do not bend backwards or sideways, as this pulls you out of balance, where that movement then becomes the creation of your next excuse. God has his own set of rules, and he does not measure us; we must make that our own responsibility within ourselves; we place that responsibility on our own shoulders; your load automatically created itself through the culmination of your thinking, and it is included in the Laws of the Universe. As you move forward, your heavy load will become lighter, and so the heaviness of the weight is no longer applicable to your moment. Your wisdom then has the opportunity to shine and ignite itself to show you the way.” Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 16, Creating the Next Evolution for Humanity. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Omni’s website, link A Christmas Message for 2018 as we head into the New Year of 2019
It's time for you to select the memories that hold a special place in your heart and invite them for Christmas. Thank these memories. For after you have thanked them, they have the opportunity to assist you in the year ahead. We are ending an 18(1+8 = 9), a year of knowing, to prepare ourselves for a greater year, of knowing all in 2019(1+9=10). Therefore the “Masters of Time” request that we exalt our intelligence up into the next Educated Realms; that are on standby ready to explain our next quatrain to us. It’s all systems go, it's a good year for you to accept what you have accomplished up to this point. Your gentleness to self, will flow out to others, to give them the confidence to believe more in themselves. That is how it works! Thank you for your confidence in my words over the last twelve months and enjoy your thoughts over the forthcoming weeks. Love Omni Orange: Calms the yearning; it is the sexual flow. It is a prosperous announcement. This allowance comes from the Soul regenerating the flow of what you do not understand about your own capabilities.
Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 31. Trekking the Psychometric Consciousness. Book Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Omni’s website, link Conversations with Omni about Money.
Question to Omni: Money is very important to me, but sometimes I worry that there will not be enough of it to sustain the lifestyle that I currently have. Is that wrong? Answer: If you are afraid of becoming nothing, then nothing will come to you. Rephrase your thought and say to yourself without any fear, ‘I like the way I live, so I will live the way I like.’ Saying that, you perform one of the most powerful rituals on the planet, where you form a séance with your oracle. You have spoken your question and given yourself the answer, so you have balanced your power and attracted the oracle, which in turn releases itself to you. If you are in your truth, then you are free to attract your inheritance. Trust yourself to attract money and stop feeling unworthy of it. My grandmother, who was also a glorious Shaman and Alchemist, taught all the girls of the family to make sure that all our children should taste a wide range of vegetables. “Keep persevering with your child”, she would say. Those vegetables that they did not like could be disguised amongst other vegetables that they did like. She said that we must realize all our potentialities (the power of our reality), not just a few – and then everything we ate would sustain us and come into its force in our future as the need arose. Their memory stays within, where it becomes the mathematical adjustment we need and it cannot be deleted or forgotten. If those codes are fed to us at an early age, that would help us to train, not restrain ourselves automatically. We have to mirror back to ourselves what we have evolved from, and that is the only reason why we have to eat!
During my education on this intricate journey, I had to go back over my own children’s young lives and try to remember who didn’t like what vegetable. Then I had to look at the child’s emotional growth to note which emotions began to rule supreme. Sure enough, there it was: one refused to eat cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. This attitude of his would not accept the vegetables that would automatically change and balance the sway of his emotional life. His ego reigned supreme. Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 24, Your Law of Self. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Omni’s website: click link to When we are in a dream state do we contact our family or friends who have passed over? Yes, we do because the ego is at rest. The unconscious (higher mind) can contact anyone on the other side.
For example when we are in the dream state, the ego is at rest, and we see our grandfather and he wants to tell you a story and we listen to him, then we wake up in the morning and say to yourself “grandfather came to me in a dream last night, it was a wonderful dream and I am going to have a good day”, the ego is awake and has noticed it was present when you saw your grandfather. Now remember that your grandfather is also reflecting to you, your highest good and the dream came from your highest of high – your higher self because that is what your grandfather has become one with you. You don’t have to place a name or title such as “grandfather” instead you could put it as an “energetic vibration” on the vision in your dream for the interpretation. When your grandfather passed over he is still with you, within your DNA. Conversations with Omni. Please visit Omni’s website for books available by Omni (O.M. Kelly) by clicking on the link. (Excerpt from - The Seven Major Pyramids in relation to the Seven Seals.)
Finally there is the white pyramid which is affectionally known as Cheops, with the polished cap on top which represents our spiritual strength coming together to attain the intellectual knowledge of the pineal gland, which is the house of the unconscious mind (higher mind). There are two shafts that penetrate into what is known as the King’s Chamber in a northerly and southerly direction. In the same analogy as the brain, through my estimation, I believe that these two shafts are directing the energy into the left and right hemisphere of the brain; and we also note that there are seven steps leading into the grand gallery, all of which reminds us of the seven seals we exonerate ourselves with, through our neck area; and explains how we have overcome our previous existence as human beings where we have reshaped our nasal area over time and have learned to speak to create a sentence! This is the missing link between our primal past to the advantages of our intelligence that we use today. That is why the Sphinx created with the animal body and head of human is before the three pyramids. It is in this section of the human body that our voice has colloquialized through our intelligence unfolding itself, thanks to these seven vertebrae we have designed as our intelligence has matured. All of which releases the mathematical codes of our DNA where we earn our freedom to live in our heavenly abode or everlasting life, right here in this lifetime. And here again we become aware of the four dimensions of the mind, the child, the teenager, the adult, to the teacher where we return our wisdom back to those who are yearning for their next step. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Revelation of Saint John the Divine (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Excerpt Chapter 24. Final Synopsis - The Seven Major Pyramids in relation to the Seven Seals. Purchase the E-Book from Amazon (Kindle): Purchase link Purchase the E-Book from Omni’s website (PDF): Purchase link As you begin to believe in yourself, your Soul gives you never-ending gifts of knowledge. To believe in yourself takes a tremendous amount of courage, and that courage will lead you into other parallel worlds of existence. Those worlds align within and open you up to your inner worlds, and then you have earned the freedom to use them to promote your tomorrows. Parallel worlds are created from your intelligence; they are your personalities (aspects of self) co-creating an experience using a different emotion, and they live deep within your auric fields. They are your thoughts co-creating themselves, which gives you many opportunities to choose your thinking wisely, where one world can autonomically lead you into another.
Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 17, You are the Law of Your Own Universe. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Youtube link Decoding the Mind of God link. Let me begin to explain the understanding of the ancient city of Rostau, which was renamed El Jizah, and now is called Giza. Rostau was previously known as the House of Secrets where the Gods meet, which is also referred to as the Sanctorium, a meeting place for the higher energies of the Soul.
As we begin to unravel this puzzle we find that it has also been referred to as an inner chamber up inside the head of the sphinx. It is represented to us as the God Horus (“H-Ur-Us”), who bears the falcon’s head. This is announced through the codes as the “Heavenly Oracle Releases the Understanding of the Soul”. The emotional species of the falcon represents the inner sight of self, which opens us up in order for us to be able to view through a wider perspective, broadening our peripheral vision. All this also symbolically reveals to us our imagination (the “image of our nation”), and it also provides the codes for us to understand our dreams – or, through the Shamanic Principles, our “Vision Worlds”. Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 22. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. THE HUMAN KINGDOM
The people that appear in our dreams are our Personalities of Self” (aspects of our Self), and represent various parts of our own nature. Initially we may not recognise what they represent. As we start to improve on your own knowledge, our family begins to appear in our dreams, which signifies a movement forward in our understanding of any issue. Family members present in our dreams to offer us some form of assistance. When our work colleagues enter into our dreams that is another move forward as we are stepping up into deliverance from our own corruptive thoughts. When we have a dream of a person standing before us, that person is representing every facet of our self. In a dream, Personalities of Self, have the following meanings: Sister represents the next emotional responsibility we have to ourselves. Brother represents the next inner strength available to us. Cousins are distant thoughts. They indicate an emotion or a power (depending upon whether they are female or make cousins) that will be available to us sometime in the more distant future. Friends are personalities of self, inner traits that you can rely upon. These inner personalities are helping you prepare for your freedom. Strangers represent the inner personalities that you still have to come to terms with. They are waiting in abeyance and have not begun to receive their own expression or gratification as yet. For further representations, please refer to the book Decoding Dreams by O.M. Kelly (Omni) To purchase the book Decoding Dreams please click the link to Omni’s website ( The Egyptians left us the tombs of mummified pharaohs, wrapped in linen cloth, with the tools of trade threaded throughout the layers. Those tools are symbolic and available for us to use for our next experience. The symbol of Ma’at with her wings outstretched and the tools of trade swathed in the robe of the mummies are also identically released through the presence of the open-hearted Bodhisattva, with each arm representing the movement of wings in motion, and with the gifts placed in each hand representing that which we have earned through our positive action.
Again, we note the figures that we have absorbed through the Mesopotamian understanding of the Sumerian philosophy, through the memory of their hieroglyphs explaining to us the worlds of our thoughts; through their winged species explaining the Metaphysical journey of walking through the underworld of the past, to reach and attain a permanent phase of enlightenment. Remember that the birds and animals are different stages of the evolution of the human brain. Their program was explained to us as the left hemisphere – which was known as “Nam Tar”, and which was changeable – and the right hemisphere, known as “Nam”, which was not changeable. Excerpt from: Decoding the Mind of God, by O.M. Kelly (Omni). To purchase please click on the link to Balboa Press. Over time, many people have taken an interest in searching for the tombs of the Pharaohs; as a result, many countries contributed financially to this endeavor, sending the right people who could offer their educated assistance on such excursions. None of them failed; they all applied their intuition and brought forth a reminder of the hidden language – or the Universal language – that the Egyptians had left us.
In 1922, the responsibility fell on the shoulders of Howard Carter, whose sponsor, Lord Carnarvon of England, released a tremendous amount of money in support of this endeavor; they were just about to abort the digs when a tomb was unearthed. Not just any tomb – Carter unearthed the tomb of Tutankhamen. When the world learned of their find, it created a“Tut” mania. We note that King Tutankhamen’s sarcophagus was created in three stages; the first two were made of wood and rolled in gold leaf, and the third was made of solid gold. In addition, the design of the sarcophagus is created in the unconscious recognition of the Asian language, as St John the Divine was explaining to us in the Book of Revelations. We must release the first God “EL” in order to allow the second God “AN” to further educate us into releasing the relationship of self – that is, into becoming the third God “EA”, as explained to us through the myths. The rich treasures were brought to the surface, catalogued, and transported to museums, where they were documented even further. Each item in those tombs was a code of emotions designed to carry the young mind of the Pharaoh through to the next step of his journey – or, as we have been taught to call it, to the “afterlife”. The findings that fascinated me the most were the “Shawabti” that were found in the tomb; these included the figurines that represented one personality for each day of the year, as wells a group of thirty-six figures that represented each of the twelve strands of the DNA in triplicate – one set for each of the three layers of God (“EL”,“AN”, and “EA”). I think that the whole tomb is the combined wisdom odour own personal toolbox, which we keep with us as we journey through the discovery of our self! Excerpt from : O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni), Chapter 186. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. Vehicles often feature in dreams. Following are some of the more common representations:
Aeroplanes. A plane in our dreams represents the heights that we are capable of taking our mind up into a higher understanding of self. If the plane is taking off from the airport, we are being reminded of the opportunities that are available and waiting for us. If we are flying high above the clouds then there are limitless opportunities for us to collect and add to our current situation. If the aeroplane is coming into land then our mind is projecting something to us that we have not been capable of receiving up until now. A plane crash is portending that our current thoughts will get us nowhere. Bicycles. When we dream of a bicycle with two wheels, it is representing to us that we are riding on the strength of one of our personalities. We are reminded to silence our chattering and be responsible only to our own self. Cars. The car lights represent our seeing, the windscreen represents the mind and the motor represents the heart. Cars have four wheels representing our legs and arms. There is also a fifth wheel on a car, the steering wheel. If we are in control of that wheel, we can steer in any direction, which symbolises to us that we are moving fluently along with our current thoughts. There are also passenger seats in a car in which we can carry personalities of self along for the ride! Extract from the book Decoding Dreams by O.M. Kelly. To purchase the book from O.M. Kelly’s website, please click on the link. There is one positive emotion on this planet, and that emotion is love – all other emotions are leading up to love. Love is the “Oracle of Life”; it is energy in motion, and that is what holds our DNA together. Remember, we earn love, which manifests throughout the body and releases our truth. It is a condensed formation of what is hidden within us all. Through the power of our inner self understanding itself, our freedom extends to become everlasting life. Emotions of love are much stronger than fear, and it is emotion that holds us together.
As we love, we automatically deliver the same vibrations to the person standing beside us, and that powerful energy changes their feelings. The energy is then carried through the wind, or the Breath of God, to vibrate around those who are searching for love. If every person allowed their love to flow freely out into the consciousness, we would change the molecular structure of time, which would ease the pressure of millions of people who are living their life, but who have yet to understand the design that love creates for the whole planet. Short Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link Paintings and Pictures
Have you ever realized the volume of energy a painting or picture can consume in a room? Is it the right shape or size to create harmony in the room? Does it heighten the room, or does it make the room appear smaller? Does it make you feel happy or depressed? Paintings or pictures play an important role in each room. They are there to represent an illusion of your inner mind. That is why you have purchased it in the first place! If you have a large room, you can hang a large painting on the wall; but, if so, please keep the wall free of other furniture, which allows the painting to make its own statement! Try to place it opposite a doorway where it is the first thing that one notices upon walking into the room. If you have a large painting, and the room is small, paint the wall a light pastel color; chose one of the colors embedded in the painting, with a slightly darker shade of the same color for the other walls in that room. Short Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book VIII: Sacred Fung Shwa (Metaphysical of Feng Shui) Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link The fishbone fern represents the spine. When you are led to buy one of these plants, your Higher Self is directing you to straighten up your spine – that is, to lift up your consciousness and collect your personalities together. That fern also looks like a caterpillar, so your Higher Self is saying, “Come on now, lift yourself up! Transformation is on its way.”
In Australia, we have a “hen and chicken” fern. The main plant is the “hen”; its fibrous roots hang outside the pot and send out many other little ferns that we call “chickens”. Those chickens represent all our new thoughts, and the hen must make sure that the nourishment is supplied to them. If you receive one of those ferns as a gift, look at what your many thoughts are pronouncing to others – you are losing sight of self through martyring to others. In the old days, this plant was presented to the young bride to make her aware that her marriage was her preparation for pregnancy. Short Excerpt from: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book VIII: Sacred Fung Shwa (Metaphysical of Feng Shui) Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link Your Astrological Colours
You birthed onto the planet on a particular day and time, which created a sign of metaphoric form for you to follow (i.e., your Astrological wheel). Through Einstein’s Theories of Relativity, I connected to how the arching of space and time creates each colour and then brings it into the fields of Collective Consciousness. Colour is an added value to the harmonic conversion of the planet; it is a mental tool that is helping to connect you to one another. Each one of your signs has already attained its own colour, and those colours must collate compatibly in order to harmonize with your inner blueprint – this is the Alchemy produced through your unconscious mind (higher mind). Extract from the book Decoding the Mind of God in reference to Astrological Colours: Aries – “I am.” - Light red; light pink; white; pale grey. Taurus – “I have.” - Medium brown; beige; sand; light young green; plum; rose. Gemini – “I think.”- Grey; light blue; white. Cancer – “I feel.” - Peacock colours; rich sea-blue; blue-green; grey-green; silver; white. Leo – “I will.” bright sunflower-yellow; orange; gloss red;black; gold. Further Astrological signs can be found in Decoding the Mind of God book. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book VIII: Sacred Fung Shwa (Metaphysical of Feng Shui) Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. DREAM REPRESENTATIONS EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK DECODING DREAMS BY O.M.KELLY
DREAM REPRESENTATION The following short list introduces some of the Shamanic resonances of animals, and the thoughts that they symbolise (more next week). Ant Ant can be in charge of everything at once. It has huge eyes just like the fly, which form a holographic view of seeing everything multiplied. We think ants are blind because they keep bumping into each other. Wrong! The reason for this thinking is because their third eye is so enlarged through their collective power and alchemy that they have difficulties seeing things close up. Their viewing is distorted through their inner strength, which is the endowment of their evolution. Once we climb up our own ladder of intellect, everything becomes magnified. Ant can lift twenty times its own weight so taking responsibility for itself is a must. An ant does not eat solid food; it squeezes the fluid out, drinks the life force and throws the rest away. It can then achieve its own “bibliography” (recorded cellular memory of its DNA) at all times. When you dream of ants, it means there is work to do on their self and stop wasting time. Bear The bear walks alone and it takes its time to sleep on matters, hibernating on all the prospects, it must be able to release and hear its own thoughts. Subjects are thoroughly thought out and digested before decisions are made. Salt from the roe of the salmon and sugar from the wild honey are its staple diet. Salt and sugar also correlate and balance our mind when there are decisions we must adhere to. Bear is the healer for our ego. Bee Bee stands at the doorway to the “Royal Approach to Self”. It is an extremely powerful creature. Its sting, with the ability to hinder others, is created from its collect alchemy. In a similar fashion, poison is released from the unconscious mind and rids us of the insecurities of self. Like the fly, the bee hones in on energy and collects only the essence of things. An insect of pure mathematics, the bee creates the geometry in our lives. Symbolically, it represents the highest order we can achieve. The bee collects and produces its own “Nectar from the Gods”. Once our insecurities have diminished, we too can receive the “Nectar from the Gods”. Extract from the book Decoding Dreams by O.M. Kelly. To purchase the book from O.M. Kelly’s website, please click on the link. Question directed to Omni: When I am in a half-sleep state at night, I see entities, and they seem very real to me. Why is that? Answer by Omni: It is the expansion of your own Soul. Your aura is the vibration that comes from your Soul, and those astral bodies manifest inside your aura. Astral bodies are symbolically formed through your thinking. When we are in that lucid dreaming state of mind, we are bordering between worlds. You are on the edge of allowing your mind to enter into the unconscious mind of the Collective Consciousness. You own 144,000 personalities (aspects of self) which live within that plane of unconscious energy and are manifesting through the worlds of your thinking. When you feel and see energies moving within, out of, and around your aura – or your Soul energy – once again, these are your own thoughts mirroring your story back to you. I am just bringing common sense back into the picture here. Your Soul’s journey is through the vibrational energy that releases from your thoughts – whether that be positive or negative energy. This is your life force collecting your consciousness in order for you to understand, through your innocence, where you are yearning for information; you also have an inner urge to awaken every cell in your body. They are awake, you know; it is your ego, on a conscious level, that is in the process of accepting your self. The more you awaken on an inner level, the more your energy begins to solidify, which releases itself from the restrictions you have placed around it, and it begins to walk on the outside of you – all of which heightens your intelligence. Your Soul is your “hidden” intelligence until you become aware of it, and, when you understand that, your Soul releases from its bondage to become your Apostolate, and then it works with and on behalf of you. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book IV: Death, Chapter 74: Questions Regarding Energies Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link Cancer is an energy that takes around ten years to manifest. When you are given the results of your tests through your doctor, discovering that cancer is imminent or has already occurred, you, my friend, have just been given your ultimate challenge – all through the right hemisphere of your brain finally being able to step forward to support every thought you think! This becomes a blessing for the ego to receive, to give it the opportunity to conform through its own grace. Your emotional kingdoms are your supreme ruler, and, through an open heart, your courage also steps forward to realign you with a positive attitude, where you have the opportunity to look back through the past ten years of your life. By looking back into your thoughts of the past, you will begin to see the progressive behavior of your thinking, and what you have allowed yourself to create through constantly repeating the bitterness of your past thoughts. Each stage of cancer grows collectively over the years, and, on the place where that cancer began, determines what part it can claim from your body. It chooses exactly the right section that has not been homogenized; i.e., the organ that has had superior mind control over others. It is impelled into each area through your unconscious mind. If your parents never overcame their fear, that fear is autonomically instilled through your DNA, and this homogeny is then heralded back to you. The unconscious mind is continually shouting to you, “Enough is enough!” That message is coming from your Soul mind – your God Force – which is the highest realms of intellect.
I will not make any excuses for my story; I myself had cancer over thirty years ago. I had been given the death sentence, and then decided to enquire and learn more about this dis-ease. I began to become more aware of the excuses I had made through not having the confidence to know myself; I could see the path that I had created, or allowed to manifest on my behalf, in order to deliver unto me the results of my actions. It was not a nice time, as I began to recall my anger. The most important learning for me was to understand that I had not realized how long that cancer had been slowly building up into its own perfection or wisdom. It had begun years earlier, when all my children were young, and I had to face the responsibility of rearing them on my own. I was running our property alone while my husband worked away from home; anything that had to be done around the property and the home was totally my responsibility. I found my anger growing, as I had no one to share this burden with. There were cows to milk, pigs to feed, and lucerne to grow, water, cut, and bale. There were chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese by the hundreds, and they seemed to multiply very quickly. We had built up quite a menagerie. This anger – and hatred – that I felt had built up of its own accord, and, day by day, it had grown more vicious. The time came when I began to ostracize myself; by that I mean, I could no longer feel my own existence. The words “faith in self” were pushed further back into my inner dictionary (mind), and I felt like I was losing the responsibility to even accept them. From those words, I learned that, through us depending on our own weakness, our Higher Self urges us to bring our faith out to stand alongside us so that we can learn to accept the potentiality of those words and bring them into our heart, not leave them tucked away in our vocabulary. I realized that the two words fate and faith were a counterbalance of one another. Our fate will keep on controlling us until we begin to accept our faith within. Food was plentiful at our place, and the table was always piled high, so we could feed our own family tribe and the eleven other tribes as well. My eldest children learned responsibility very early in their life. They became my backbone and could support me with their strength as I tottered on the brink of my own demise. I look back now and wonder how I had ever completed my tasks. My journey with cancer is now by thirty-one years past. Not long ago, I had a check-up from my general practitioner, who told me that even with my weak heart, which I had been born with I had the bodily functions of a woman in her mid-twenties, and, seeing that I am now in my mid-sixties, I have accepted and congratulated myself for a job well done! Did you know that in my land – Australia – the statistics state that one in three people will create their own cancer? We are only two hundred years old, and our population has been attained through people from other countries migrating because they want to improve themselves! Each cell is a Collective Memory of the Soul – or Collective Inheritance of the DNA – and has the power to build itself into its own accreditation through the strength that we have given it. Every cell in our body is a photographic response to each thought we think! It does not matter which dis-ease it is or what name we give it; it becomes an emotion within our body that is continually walking backwards, looking to be excused. A final thought for us to think regarding the applicability of contracting cancer through other sources is the Chernobyl disaster’s, radiation poisoning the species. Not everyone perished, but those who did were unconsciously measured through the Collective Inheritance of all; this was through their Collective Consciousness vibrating to the same frequency of the mathematics of radiation. We call that “innocence”. The fallout from that radiation has interrupted the flow of the next generation, all through us still not having learned. Excerpt: O.M. Kelly, Decoding the Mind of God (O.M. Kelly is also known as Omni). Book III: Dis-Ease, Chapter 33 Cancer. Published by Balboa Press. Purchase Decoding the Mind of God, Book/E-Book: click link to Balboa Press website. YouTube: Decoding the Mind of God, author O. M Kelly, click link Have you watched the Avatar movie? Decoding the Avatar within you is an explanation of how every human has the right to earn and release the Avatar within. This power is available to us all, once we understand the hidden language.
Jake's First Mission As the movie first begins, we are introduced to purple/mauve colored mythical flying creatures without feathers that look similar to the bats we have in the here and now. Purple is the color that releases as we arch our intelligence towards the divine energy known as the unconscious mind (higher mind). This is also the color of the third eye. Hence the colors that James has created. He is unconsciously foretelling us to view his movie through our inner spectrum. Next we are introduced to a creature that is similar to a monkey, which is colored green and yellow, these two colors represent the emotions of the soul. Your soul is the collective thoughts of you! It carries the thoughts of every genetic facet of your mind. It is the recorded value of the last 64 generations of your family’s life path and it is up to you as to how you bring these ancient library books which are filled with information together. Jake became more aware of the responsibility of the cloning between himself and his new Avatar body; he sensed that they were becoming more familiar with one another. The marriage of their minds brought them closer together. Then came the day when he had to step into his linker to allow the transference of these minds to meld together. His Avatar body had been taken out of its womb like chamber and was ready to receive Jake. He transferred himself into his linker and as he did so he noticed the unusual padding inside for him to lie on and looked so inviting. As Jake closed his eyes and emptied his mind, the autonomic responses from his nervous system kicked in and the process began to equate through the ethereal heavens of the ultra consciousness for his transmutation. It seemed to be over before it began! The first thing he noticed was the changes in his eyes. He could see through the Avatars mind and everything was revealed in shades of gold. He was now able to view everything from his unconscious mind; as it is from the unconscious mind (higher mind), where the element of gold is produced. The most important point to remember is that Jake opened his inner screen, or his third eye as it is sometimes referred to and once this area of the brain has opened into the matrix; it can never ever close! It is up here where we view everything in 3D. When I look out on a scene of cows in a paddock, with the fence in the foreground and the many depths of trees in the background, my pictures come to me in layers. I automatically start counting to see how many dimensions I am viewing at the same time. And when I walk into my kitchen, I am ducking and weaving to avoid the collision coming directly from an opened door on my overhead cupboards! Everything is multiplied. We are really looking through the facets of a giant crystal. As Jake lay there he could feel his energy release all the way down to his feet. This feeling elated him, as it was the first time he had relived these lower senses in a long time. He wriggled his toes and as he moved his legs, he realized he was no longer crippled; he had reached up into the territory of the mind, which is beyond the ego. His own gravity fields were relying totally on his emotional responses; nothing could hold him back, he had attained his first level of euphoric enlightenment and once we are here, there is unlimited freedom. Of course this was all too much for Jake, and he leapt up off the bed and in his exalted excitement he tried to walk. He realized he was taller than ever before, he had larger hands and feet; he also had a tail, which amused him greatly as it swung around and connected to everything in the room. Again this is all connected to the explanations of attaining enlightenment. As our aura or cosmic force comes alive; everything expands, and through it releasing from out of the old restrictions of thought, it becomes alive and magnifies everything surrounding you. Explanation “unconscious mind”: Our brain has two hemispheres—two parts. The left brain (conscious mind). The right brain is our emotions (subconscious mind). Our journey is to learn to balance both brains so that we may become aware of the supportiveness of our unconscious mind (called by many names such as the higher mind, supra-consciousness, Soul etc.). Excerpt from: DECODING THE AVATAR WITHIN by O.M. Kelly Chapter 4. Jakes First Mission Purchase E-Book from Amazon Kindle: link or PDF: please click link to O.M. Kelly’s website: link |
December 2023
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Photos from Gael Varoquaux, Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0), marcoverch, Tambako the Jaguar, Toolstotal, Toolstotal, Nina A. J. G., Gunn Shots (On and off these days), WILLPOWER STUDIOS, Following Hadrian, marcoverch, Jon Haynes Photography, edenpictures, JohnSeb, roseannadana, verchmarco, David Holt London, Lord Skully, DVIDSHUB, Sandrine Rouja, Juanedc